Man's Guide To Sex

Man's Guide To Sex
The book you need to read. What men don't know about sex - and what women don't know either.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Man's Guide To Sex

The Man's Guide To Sex is a comprehensive sexopedia for the modern man. It's what men don't know about sex - and what women don't know either. This book covers a wide range of topics  having to do with human sexuality. There's history, psychology, and even some comedy. Sexual medicine is also dealt with - along with some obscure information having to do with the subject of sex. To go along with the detailed text, the book contains 345 photos and original illustrations.

Although the book's title suggests that it's aimed at men, women are implored to read it also. Man or woman, everyone will come away knowing something about sex that they didn't know before reading this book.

The Man's Guide To Sex is available in ebook format for the Amazon Kindle.